Add Post

You can post (write a new Article)

  • click “Add new
  • enter a Title (that is very important)
  • enter your text in to the text-field

If you want to add a picture:
click the little picture above the text field
click “ select file”
upload the file
choose size of the image, don’t choose the full size, its to big


Posting articles on Blogs it is always important to fill them with “tags” and “categorise”.
On the right sidebar you have the option to Add Tags or Catagories
Tags: You can “Add a new Tag” or “Choose from the most used tags”
Categorise: You can “Add a new Categories” or click one from the list.

Publish the post!!! you find that on the right sidebar

2. Edit or delete a post
You want to change or delete a post?
Click Edit in the Post menu on the left sidebar
Choose the post you want to delete or edit

Don’t delete or edit any post you did not write